The procedure which has worked for me is outlined below.
Did you perform the install of the NeoGrub bootloader in step (3)? If NeoGrub is installed then there will be a \NST folder on your C: drive.
I think this step is sometimes left out of guides for setting up EasyBCD.

  1. Select the rightmost tab, NeoGrub, under "Operating Systems" and click the Install button.

    screenshot of NeoGrub bootloader install tab

    Note: This adds the NeoGrub bootloader code to your C:\ folder. If the install worked correctly you will see the file C:\NeoGrub and the folder C:\NST.
  2. Start Windows and install the free version of EasyBCD.
  3. Open the EasyBCD program and select Add New Entry from the sidebar on the left.
  4. Select the Linux/BSD tab. Choose GRUB2 as the type of the entry and, optionally, edit the name of the entry you are about to add to the Windows Boot menu.

    EasyBCD Add New Entry for Linux/BSD for GRUB2

    Click the Add Entry button to add an entry to boot Linux (GRUB menu) to the Windows boot menu.
  5. Select Edit Boot Menu from the sidebar to review your changes.

    Note: You can delete the entry for NeoGrub Bootloader if you wish.
    You need the bootloader, but you do not need a boot menu entry for it unless you are using it in some other way.
  6. Save your changes and reboot. When the Windows boot menu appears, select the EasyBCD entry you added to boot Linux. You should see something similar to the text below.

    enter image description here

    Then the GNU GRUB boot menu should appear.
Hope This Helps You Thanks :)


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