Help! Computer Keeps Turning Off by Itself!:(

Has your computer been powering off by itself lately? Does it shut down for no reason? When you are surfing the net or playing a game, does your computer or laptop shut off randomly?
Well, my 1-year-old notebook computer had been shutting down automatically. And, I discovered the cause of the problem… and the solution!

Cause: overheating

For most mysteries of computers shutting down for no reason, overheating is the problem. If overheating is the problem, then cooling is the solution. So I got a table fan to blow underneath my laptop. And… my computer has never powered off automatically again after that.

Solutions to overheating

Laptop Cooling Pad

laptop cooling pad 2 Help! Computer Keeps Turning Off by Itself!If you have a desktop, a fan will do. Laptop? An ideal solution is a laptop cooling pad, which is a fan to take heat out from the laptop.
But if you can’t get a cooling pad at the moment, you can just temporarily use a table fan to blow underneath your laptop. Images from laptop arena

Cleaning the computer fan

460311162 3a1e0ba20f m Help! Computer Keeps Turning Off by Itself!Sometimes, overheating is caused by a slow computer fan. Check your fan to see if there is any dust in there, which slows down the fan. Then use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the dust. Or just take the whole fan out and clean it. Photo by radialmonster

Other benefits of a cool laptop

Other than preventing the computer from shutting down automatically, cooling the computer has other benefits, like
  • Computer is faster than normal
  • Laptop battery lasts longer
  • Prevent damage to hardware
  • Longer computer life

Other causes of computer shutting down by itself & solutions

Overheating might not always be the problem. Other problems might be
  • Viruses – Viruses may be causing your computer to power off. So, I recommend you get an anti-virus software. I recommend Kaspersky.
  • Too high memory usage – Get more RAM, reduce startup programs, avoid running high-memory programs or many programs at once.
  • Hardware error – Hardware might be damaged, broken, or shocked.
  • Faulty adapter – Perhaps your power chord is faulty. Just get a new one :-) .

So, did cooling your computer solve your shut-down-for-no-reason computer? Did you solve this problem using another solution? I would love to hear your input in the comments below!


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