Want to update your Facebook status via different devices (Blackberry, iPhone, Android, etc.) without actually using those devices?

You might already notice some of your friends updating through their mobile phones saying “via Blackerry”, “via iPhone”, “via Android”, “via Ovi by Nokia”, and many more. While your friends actually use those devices to update, you can fool them and post a unique wall post without buying those expensive gadgets.
Isn’t it cool to update “via Apple iPad” which you even haven’t bought yet? You can also update using some funny statements like “via Nokia 3310 Internet Edition”, “via Moon”, “via Public Telephone”, “via Comfort Room” or any other statements you like.
Lately I’ve been using this trick to update my Facebook pofile. Here are some examples as proof:

How do you do this?
So the ultimate question now is: “How do you do this?” Well, you can make this possible using this free service called StatusVia.  You can update using two (2) ways. First is using using PC/Laptop and second is through mobile.
            For PC/Laptop:          http://pc.statusvia.net
            For mobile:                 http://statusvia.net/

·         Step 1: Go their website (PC or mobile).
Step 2: On their website’s main page, you can see some presets or popularly used applications such as via Blackberry, via iPhone, via Android, etc. Decide what device you can to update.
·         Step 3: After you made up your decision, you will notice that beside your chosen device are two (2) links: “Update Status” and “Send Wall”.
o    Update Status – is used to post a status update on your own profile
o    Send Wall – is used if you want to post on your friend’s wall using your chosen device.
·         Step 4: Select from those two choices. Click those link will redirect you to the page where you can now type your status update.
·         Step 5: After typing, click Publish. You’re done! You can check now your Facebook profile to check. ^_^

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  1. I need to update my facebook status via SpitFire Software and via SpitFire DigitalWorks .........Can you make the links or just the I.D's for mie and email them on


    thanks in advance


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